The unnamed Viera

Majesty, Magic, Mystery

Let Me Tell You A Story...

Most children have happy, healthy, and safe childhoods. They grow up in a home full of love and laughter, and go to bed without the fear of monsters prowling outside their windows...Sadly, this is not the case for this Viera, who's original name is a mystery. Rak'tika, the Greatwood, home to many Rava of the Viera species. They were meant to protect their sister. But one fateful night proved they were unworthy. Sin eaters broke into the home of the Vieran family; one night as the parents were on a hunt to track down a much bigger threat. The beast came for Meeila, Their dear sister. Taking her life that night.The Viera was banished. Only as a child. Wandering the woods until tripping and falling down a deep, dark crevasse between two broken pieces of land.It was only when they opened their eyes moments after, they found themselves to be lost. Lost and stranded on a beach not too far from the great city of Kugane. Just off the coast, was a boat carrying two fishermen, who found the young Viera. "A child!" The men called out. "They don't look to be any older than 13..." And without any protest, the Viera allowed the fishermen to bring them back to town, where they were cleaned up and soon after put into a home for orphaned children.They had no memory of who they were, where they come from... "What's my name?" They'd often ask themselves.
That was, until one day, a kind Doman couple took them in as their child. A small noble house of the Uzuka family, and they were given the name 'Cota'amari'.
From then on, Cota had a good life. They were taught how to be a lady, and carried themselves well with speech. Cota was even taught how to use aether to be a healer; which they had quite the talent for.When they reached the age of 16, this period of joy and peace became brief. The war was ever raging at the borders within the East, and Rhaglar's Reach was falling to dust and rubble. What happens in times of war like this? Well, a draft happens, of course. And Cota just so happened to be a top pick thanks to their special talent. But still, 16 was much too young. So, it was a dreadful two year wait until the Viera turned 18. On the day after their 18th celebration, they were shipped off to war. Where thunder and blood still crack and flow.A few years went by, Cota was doing well for themselves with healing troops and keeping men alive. For the most part. Having gained such a reputation, they were tasked to travel with a courier party to transfer highly sensitive documents to another camp. Sadly, the group was ambushed by Garlean soldiers. None of them were ready for that massacre. As missiles fired and bombs were set off, Cota had only made time to create a protective bubble around themselves. When the dust cleared, each and every one of the couriers and soldiers were dead. Only the Garlean's remained in their way.Fueled by rage at the loss of companions, Cota summoned all of their might, all of their magic to unleash one single and brutal strike among the Garlean murderer's. With a bright flash of light, they turned to ash. As the magic was expelled, strange runic markings appeared on the Viera's dark skin. Was this some kind of sign? An omen? To this day, they still do not know.
Cota finished the mission, delivering the news with much guilt that they could not save the others. They were honorably discharged and sent home so that they could grieve in peace, and hopefully heal from the new wounds set on their soul. They never returned to war, not since that day.
Now, in present day, they travel across Eorzea to homes to aid those who are sick and in need, while pursing any hints or clues to figure out what their markings are and what they could possibly mean...

Pronouns: They/ThemSexuality: Ace/DemiRelationship Status: Taken/BetrothedLikes: Casual talks, meeting other aether users, relaxing walks through gardens, adventures, helping others, talking about their beloved.Dislikes: Heavy drinkers/smokers, creeps, overall bullies, being flirted with.Cota is forever loyal, they love their warrior very dearly, feel free to ask.~
The pair of lovers will also be expecting soon!

Personal Portrait!

A fun sticker!